Frequently asked questions
For a description of the web server, please refer to the information section and tutorial first.
Why does my gene not appear in the dataset?
Genes were only included in the database when reported in at least half of the studies.
Why do I only see a limited amount of DEGs?
The DEGs have been pre-filtered to speed up the tables on the website, a full list of DEGs analysis can be downloaded in the download section.
How do you take into account batch effects?
For computing the integrated embedding we were using scVI with the batch information as batch key. The DEGs have been computed using a pseudo-bulk approach with edgeR. Whenever the samples where collected from more than a single study we included the study id as latent variable into the design matrix.
How can I cite your work?
Please cite our manuscript under:
Flotho, M., Amand, J., Hirsch, P., Grandke, F., Wyss-Coray, T., Keller, A., and Kern, F. "ZEBRA: A Hierarchically Integrated Gene Expression Atlas of the Murine and Human Brain at Single-Cell Resolution." Nucleic Acids Research, November 6, 2023, gkad990.
How can I compare DEGs between different brain regions?
Please click on Human combined or Mouse combined on the top left to compare DEGs between different brain regions. By selecting one of the four provided datasets (Human and mouse (non)-cortex) you can get back to the original views.
Where do I find the original datasets integrated into ZEBRA?
You can find an overview of the integrated datasets under information. The link column links to the original datasets. Some datasets are not publicly available and can only be accessed after registration or by request to the authors. Also, the download formats may be different and require additional processing to load them into Seurat or Scanpy.
Why does the downloadable isoform matrix differ from the counts?
The isoform matrix was derived entirely on the raw data without any preprocessing or filtering steps.
I don't see the previously shown views like embedding or marker genes?
Depending on whether you selected a single dataset (mouse cortex, human non-cortex for example) you see different views then when selecting a combined dataset (e.g. human combined). Please select an appropriate dataset from the dropdown menu on the top left.
I would like to report an issue, who can I contact?
Please contact us under [Javascript needed] mentioning this tool (ZEBRA) and the issue you encountered (and under which conditions it appeared).