Show the pseudo-sample based differential expression results for a selected gene. The mean normalized gene expression is shown for each value of the selected group. The table below shows the results of the DE analysis for each cell type and condition compared to control cells.
index | Cell type | Gene | logFC | logCPM | F | p-value | p-value adj. | Samples in | Samples out | pct control | pct condition | contrast |
index | Cell type | Gene | logFC | logCPM | F | p-value | p-value adj. | Samples in | Samples out | pct control | pct condition | contrast |
The full DEG analysis table can be downloaded in the Downloads section. The statistics were computed using the edgeR package. For computation, the pseudo-samples from a single cell type were considered, while computing the DEGs of a certain condition against the control samples of the cell type. The columns split into the cell type, gene, the log fold change (logFC), log2 counts per million (logCPM), the F-Statistic (F), p-value, Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted (p-value adjusted), number of disease pseudo-samples of the given cell type cluster, number of control pseudo-samples of the given cell type cluster, the proportion of cells expressing the gene inside the cluster, the proportion of cells expressing the gene outside the cluster, and the contrast (which group against which other group).