The data is freely available on the following page. Additionally, the plots from the previous pages can be downloaded by clicking on the camera symbol in the upper right corner of the plots. Tables can be downloaded by clicking on the respective button on top of the tables.
Some samples are subject to restrictions and therefore not available for download in the provided datasets. They are used internally for our analyses, cell type annotations, and statistics.
Preprocessed data set
Please refer to the Scanpy documentation on how to read and processs H5AD files.
The H5AD files are provided under this link.
Marker genes
The complete cell type marker gene tables (top results shown in Marker genes) are provided under this link.
Gene (feature) and cell (observation) metadata extracted from the .var and .obs slots of the processed scanpy AnnData objects, provided under this link.
Raw count data set
The count data is stored in the same format as the processed data sets and accessible under this link.
Please refer to the Scanpy documentation on how to read and processs H5AD files.
Isoform data set
The isoform data is stored in the same format as the processed data sets and accessible under this link.
Please refer to the Scanpy documentation on how to read and processs H5AD files.