Experiment ID
{$ experiment_id $}
{$ data.experiment_name $}
Total samples
{$ data.n_samples $}
Total reads
{$ data.n_reads.toLocaleString('en-US') $}

Overview samples

Overview Plots

Detailed sample information

Mapping against the species' genome


Overview Plot Total Mapping

Detailed sample information

Mapping against miRBase


Overview Plot Total Mapping

Detailed sample information

Mapping against other ncRNA databases


Overview Plot Total Mapping

Detailed sample information

Mapping against NCBI bacterium genomes


Detailed sample information

Mapping against NCBI virus genomes


Detailed sample information

Overview expression measures

Differential expression

No data available

We advise to identify deregulated RNAs by further filtering according to a minimum expression threshold (e.g. at least 1 RPM), an adjusted P-value below 0.05 and a minimum effect size (fold change, AUC or Cohen's d)
Detailed sample information

Overview expression measures

miRNA Enrichment Analysis (miEAA)

Differential expression

No data available

miRNA Enrichment Analysis (miEAA) for {$ c $}

We advise to identify deregulated RNAs by further filtering according to a minimum expression threshold (e.g. at least 1 RPM), an adjusted P-value below 0.05 and a minimum effect size (fold change, AUC or Cohen's d)
Detailed sample expression
Show selected categories
Selected Unselected

Overview expression measures

Differential expression

No data available

We advise to identify deregulated RNAs by further filtering according to a minimum expression threshold (e.g. at least 1 RPM), an adjusted P-value below 0.05 and a minimum effect size (fold change, AUC or Cohen's d)
Detailed sample expression
Detailed prediction information

{$ active_prec $}
Sequence {$ showPreSeg1() $}{$ showSeg1() $}{$ showPreSeg2() $}{$ showSeg2() $}{$ showPostSeg2() $}
MFE {$ active_prec_info.pre.mfe $} kcal/mol
Sequence {$ showPreSeg1() $}{$ showSeg1() $}{$ showPreSeg2() $}{$ showSeg2() $}{$ showPostSeg2() $}
MFE {$ active_prec_info.st.mfe $} kcal/mol

Sample correlation based on {$ rna $} expression matrix

No data available

{$ rna $} expression matrix clustering

No data available

Sample embedding based on {$ rna $} expression matrix

No data available

Sample batch analysis based on {$ rna $} expression matrix

No batch effect analysis was carried out because no sample annotation was provided or less than 3 samples were analyzed.